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Firstly, this resource follows from “I Have Decided” (What it means to be a Christian); if you have not read that resource, please read it first. Pick a copy at your involvement desk or click here

Secondly, this resource in your hands is not meant to be done by yourself. Most likely, the person who gave you this book will want you to go on a journey with them. However, if you somehow picked up this resource, please only continue once you have found a Christian to walk with you through this content and meet with you once a week for the next 7 weeks. Christianity is not a solo adventure but is meant to be done with friends at our side. The Scriptures emphasise the importance of not doing this Christian journey alone.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. – Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 10 NLT
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT

This resource is set up specifically to make it as interactive as possible. Each chapter has discussion questions at the end to talk through with another Christian or with a group of Christians. Before you move on, we strongly suggest you find another Christian or group of Christians to go through this resource with you. You may want to speak to one of the pastors on a Sunday to help you find somebody.

  1. Find a Christian group of Christians you will walk closely with over the next few weeks.
  2. Decide when you will meet weekly, and try to keep it consistent.
  3. Each chapter has three questions that you will discuss with the person who will walk through this resource with you over the next 7 weeks.
  4. Each chapter has Scriptures to read for each day of the week.

These are short Scriptures that reinforce the content of each chapter, which will help you along your journey of discipleship and form the habit of Bible reading, which we talk further about in the resource. Find a few moments each day to read the Scriptures corresponding to the chapter. Let’s begin this journey

Begin The Journey